Everything alive has electrical frequency.  Stacy talks today about The Wellness Line and frequency can affect our emotions, stress and dis-ease.  Stress, anxiety, fear all impact our bodies through low frequency pushes, it is why we have a reaction within our bodies.  We feel cranky, upset and respond likewise.  Alternatively, joy, love, happiness and gratitude can have positive impacts within our body and life which leads to fulfillment. 

Being aware of our inputs and know that we can use Young Living Essential Oils to raise our frequency to our bodies so that we can live in wellness, purpose and abundance. 

The easiest way to get started is through the Premium Starter Bundle through
https://rebelk.it/SeanStartDM  or

Stacy Morris – stacy@oilrebel.com
Truth – @stacymonteromorris
IG – @stacymonteromorris
FB – @stacymonteromorris

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